Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Vancouver Pizza dBag has no confidence in his Team

For some reason this video won't load, so you got to clink the URL link to Youtube to watch it.

The Day is finally here.  Bruins v Canucks.  USA v Canada.  Spiderman v Green Goblin.  The Classic good vs evil matchup.  Vancouver is no Montreal, hatred is not a given, but they are Canadian and between us at the Cup, so therefore they are a pathetic, weak, feeble, evil posse.

The fact that this clown changed the name of his chain pizza stores from Boston Pizza to Vancouver Pizza is plain stupid.  1.  He did the same thing in Quebec when the B's played Montreal.  How'd that work out for you?  The Canadiens are on the golf course right now.  2. Don't fix something that isn't broken.  All 70 boston pizza stores hasn't messed up the Canucks playoffs so far, why change it up now?  Are the underdog Bruins that scary?  Sack up bro, you might as well just hand over the Cup.  The Canucks fans are soft, spineless pussys.  3. Instead of being self-rigtheous, and honking your own horn, this guy should have done something for Canucks fans, like free pizza to ease the pain of losing another Stanley Cup.  Nothing works better than eating your feelings away.

go b's

P.S. Julie Foudy is a fox

Monday, May 30, 2011

See ya

Was it part of "God's Plan" for you to recruit hoodlums who lie, cheat, and steal and than for you to lie about it all?  Good bye, it is a great day to be a College Football fan.

Friday, May 27, 2011




The Reverend, #17, and Matty Ice have been sporting the GTLax pinnies for years now, finally they have expanded selection.  It's time to mainstream this shit.  Quite frankly, whenever a GTLax shirt is worn out, the night involves a happy-ending.  They are pure panty-dropping magic.  Get yours now, and it is guaranteed to be a good summer.  Get yours here

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cannons announce JV dance team

                                              The cheerleader uniform effect is real
This better be the 3rd stringers.  Come on cannons, this is not acceptable.  The cheerleaders are critical to the success of a professional sports teams.  Look at all great sports team throughout history: Dallas Cowboys, Boston Celtics, New England Surge.  What do they all have in common?  Smokeshow-pant wrecking-hotness cheerleaders.  The season depends on the cheerleaders right now, and by the looks of this photo the Cannons will be lucky to break .500.

Get your act together.  Get the varsity squad together.  Bring home the title to Boston.