Friday, April 15, 2011


So I've been sitting here quietly waiting to make my debut and the Reverend's comments about ESPN have caused me to break my silence. If it has taken anyone this long to start their boycott of ESPN, something is wrong with them. Nothing against Slick T, but the quality ESPN has been spiraling downward for a couple years now.

ESPN shows no respect to hockey at all. The Top 10 is constantly filled slam dunks and home runs. Incase no one in the ESPN offices has noticed there are around 10 homeruns hit a game and when every player is juicing it is no longer a big deal. Its not like we live in the dead ball era anymore where a homerun should be cause for jumping up and spilling your flat, over-priced beer over the people in front of you, save that for a big hit by Thorton or a great save by Thomas.

ESPN shows no respect to hockey or lacrosse either. I'm not saying they are the biggest sports in the country, but they do have a large following. It's totally bullshit that a second sports network hasn't come along to rival ESPN and show them that they need to get their shit together.

The Lebron shine jobs is a whole nother story.

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