Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Guess that Continent?

Answer: Africa (this one wasn't hard.. I hope).  Specifically Nigeria.  They rioted in Lagos yesterday, the largest city in Nigeria, following the election results.  The angry Nigerians believed that the election was rigged, following the re-election of President Goodluck Jonathan.  (Is that his real name??)  

News like this make me feel thankful that our election system works and does not create conflict.  Hmm...what about Bush v Gore?  Scratch that. Our election system sort of works...some of the time..maybe, and I am happy that the results do not cause riots in the streets and brutal violence.  Instead we wait for sporting events to riot.  Cops had to ruin the fun.  

The issues in Africa and Nigeria today are serious and unfortunate.  More info here about Nigeria from respected news sources: CNN and The New York Times

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