Friday, April 22, 2011

Introducing 3pete...Pistol...Peter the Great

                                                               Yea, he sunk the shot
Im at a loss of words today, my vocabulary just cannot do anyone justice.  3pete goes big or goes home. Living in Philly, he's surrounded by the enemy, but he ain't scared to let them know that they're pussies,  and the B's will take them, anytime, anywhere, anyhow (we're worried about history today).  

3pete...hmm that's an interesting name, I wonder how he got it?  Rumor has it he killed 3 mountain lions with only a rock and his bare hands. 

Any way you slice it, 3pete's a dangerous man.  Ladies, you'd be lucky to have this ringer by your side, but he usually has a pack of companions.
                                              Gator's bitches better be using jimmies! 

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