Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Essential: The Meaty Calves

I am not one to preach on this issue.  I am the first to admit that I was born calf-less.  There just not there.  I am confident that the reason I'm not a Division One athlete is my lack of calves.    Forget 90% of Lax is in the Flow.  Yes flow is needed, but 60% is in the calves, 15% is in the forearms, and the rest is a combination of tilt, swag, and your warm-up jams.

Anyways, now that it's warming up outside, and summer seems just around the corner, its time to pump your calfs to the max.  When you see a bro sporting a couple of beefy pistons its impressive.  It''s okay to show 'em off, you should.  Flaunt them if you got them. 
                               Nothing is good about this pic                        Solid Definition
When you hit the gym, make the calves a staple of your workout.  Hit the chest, bi's, tri's, and calves.  The traditional calf-raise is an easy go-to, but if your feeling like you got a little extra left in the tank, expand your repertoire with the partner calf press.  

Stay focused on the prize, and sport the shorts and mid-calves with swagger this year.  

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