Thursday, April 14, 2011

Welcome to the Channel 4 News Team!

As the favorite news station in San Diego, the Channel 4 News Crew is glad to have their loyal viewers following.  As you have grown to enjoy, we report the critical news stories that you need to know, from National Headlines to Sports, and a bit of unusual in between.

First a little bit about myself.  I find my inspiration from the Godfather, Ron Burgundy.  A man not scared to put it all out there, and risk his life to report a story.  Like Ron, I have matured to savor the simple pleasures in life.  However, I am committed to covering the pressing issues in our world today, even if that means my dog Baxter III needs to walk himself.   You ate the whole wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Heck, I'm not even mad; that's amazing. How 'bout we get you in your p.j.'s and we hit the hay.

I look forward to adding a bit of spice in your tedious and painfully normal lives.  I can be the bright spot at the end of a long day, that makes you think hey my life's not so bad, at least I'm not a Montreal Canadiens fan.

Till next time....Lebron's a pussy.

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