Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Good Bye Hermione...wait that's not her

                                                     What's wrong with this picture?
"Harry Potter" star Emma Watson is transferring out of Brown University. Her spokeswoman Vanessa Davies said the actress had a great experience at Brown but that she’s interested in taking courses that are not offered at the school. Though Davies did not say where Watson planned to enroll, the Daily News said she’s been seen looking at NYU.

When I first read the headline that Emma Watson was leaving New England, I thought it was a major disappointment for us all.  But then I saw the recent picture of her, and I think it should be a celebrated event.  Note to Women of the World:  No short hair....ever.  There is only one person that can pull it off, Halle Berry.  Look in the mirror.  If your not Halle Berry, keep your hair long.  

Emma Watson was attractive.  Now that she looks like a 12 year old girl/middle-aged lesbian.  Good bye Emma Watson.  You once rocked my dreams, but now you only haunt them.

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