Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Will the U become THE U again?

1.  Great fucking speech, those players were eating it all up, heck I was ready to go after hearing that.
2.  What's up with the non-lineman white guy?  That is likely the reason why Miami has struggled recently.
3.  If Miami wants to be  big deal, why are they playing at soem high-school stadium for their spring game?  Ohio State Fuckeyes were in the Horseshoe and was televised, Michigan was in the Big House, even Boston College got to play in Alumni Stadium.  But THE U had to bus its guys over to some local high school stadium?  (which by the way was bigger than most College stadiums in the Northeast.  In my second life, I want to be a high school football player in the South.  Just killing it with Friday Night Lights, smokeshow cheerleaders, and random people shouting my name when I walk around town.)
4. Al Golden is a horrible coach.  I apologize to he and his family, but he will not lead THE U back to the promise land.  He just a fuckin tape recorder with a head set on. 
5.  Miami Football players still cannot read or write or speak.  This is actually a good sign, I think there headed int he right direction on the football field then.  THE U is not about academics and books, it's about being fucking awesome at football and shoving it in everyones face.  If the players could read and write they might actually go to class and then they would lose their focus on football.  
6. They need a QB.  All the highlights were INTs.  You ain't going to win throwing pics all day, just ask Peyton Manning about that.
7. Boston College will beat Miami again this year, Nov. 26.  Mark your calendars, you heard it here.

I think the answer is No, the U is no longer THE U.

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