Friday, April 15, 2011


Wake up this morning, open and this disgusting headline ruins my breakfast.  (or is it considered lunch if you get up past 11:30?)  Anyways, ESPN hates hockey.  period.  Sportcenter is on for 10 hours a day and they show hockey highlights for all of 5 minutes.  However, some retard makes the Habs shutout over the B's the highlight of the night?  Fuck ESPN.  

 Q: What country are we in?
 A: United States of America.  

It is completely un-American for ESPN to be promoting those pussy Canadien's success of the hard-working, blue collar Boston Bruins.  The B's epitomize the American people.  The Canadiens represent everything that is wrong with modern society.  

In Montreal they called the police to investigate Zdeno Chara's hit on Pacioretty.  Go and complain to Mommy and Daddy.  ESPN should be ashamed that they are high-lighting the success of a crybaby organization over an American Institution.  I hereby boycott ESPN until that unpatriotic highlight/headline is removed.

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