TOOTHPASTE? Check. Tampons? Check. Vibrator? Check!
For years, vibrators were bought quietly in sex shops, and later online, arriving in discreet unmarked packages. They were rarely discussed, other than perhaps during a late-night girl-talk session fueled by many glasses of pinot grigio. But now you can find them advertised on MTV and boldly displayed at Duane Reade, Walgreens and other mainstream drugstores, mere steps from the Bengay and Dr. Scholl’s.....http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/21/fashion/21VIBRATORS.html (click for story)

Vibrators!!!  So apparently vibrators are crowding the shelves of walgreens and CVS pharmacy's, and they're flying off the shelves.  I'm not quite sure what to think about this.  On one hand, hey great job, women are taking "ownership of their sexuality"!!!!! (wait is that a good thing?)  Is the skyrocketing of vibrator stock a reflection of poor male performance over the past ten years, or are women trending towards homosexuality, and now have no use for the men?

I think this troubling trend could stem from the emergence of male feminists.  The encouragement of sexual individuality from the opposite gender has caused women to believe that a piece of plastic made in china with a battery powered by 2 AA batteries equals success.  No...false..wrong.  This is what's wrong with our society.  We are turning to material objects to provide us happiness.  

What happened to the days when a woman was happy from baking fresh pies and cleaning?  Happiness can be found from the feeling of achievement (it's scientifically proven), and last time I checked its a worthy achievement when one see's the look of a man's satisfied face after polishing off a warm pie.

Anyways, does this mean that pocketpussies are soon to be available at pharmacies?  And the guy in the article made a vibrator that was a mold of his own pecker....I'm not sure if that's romantic or creepy (Im thinking creepy).